MBTI Report 1. List your reported type. (Example: ESTJ) · I am ESFJ. 2. According to your report, what are some of the characteristics that best describe your personality type? · A lot of the characteristics described in my report reflect who I am. An ESFJ is friendly, tactful, and sympathetic, and I would say that I am all of those. It also says that much of my pleasure and satisfaction comes from the warmth of feeling of people around me. I would totally agree with that statement. Another characteristic that describes an ESFJ and totally describes me is being loyal to people, institutions, or causes, sometimes to the point of idealizing whatever or whomever they admire. I think this report hit the ball on my personality traits. 3. Refer to the list of the 50 most popular occupations page or go to http://www.careervoyages.gov/top50occupations-main.cfm Read the list of occupations, circle the ones that you would like to explore, and list them below. · Honestly, the top 10 jobs they have listed here don’t really interest me. However, of the top 50, I think I would enjoy the following occupations: o School teacher o School administrator o Director of religious activities o Public health educator o Manager/supervisor of health care support workers 4. How do you believe the occupations you have chosen to explore fit with your personality preferences? Explain how these occupations allow you to work in your preferred work environment. · Well I think an important part of being a teacher is being friendly and sympathetic. I have a good ability to show empathy for others, and I think a school teacher needs to understand the needs of their students. All of the occupations I chose also involve being around people and forming relationships with them. SII Report 1. List your general occupational theme code. (Example EAS) · My theme code is SCE. 2. List your 5 Basic Interests Scales and determine what type of interest they represent from the following: vocational, educational, leisure activities, personal interest. (Examples might include: religion-personal interest, teaching-leisure, healthcare-vocational) · My top five interest areas are the following areas: o Athletics o Religion and Spirituality o Teaching and Education o Sales o Social Sciences 3. Refer to pages 5, 6, and 7 of your SII profile. Look at all the occupational scales you scored highest in (generally 40 or above), or that have a combination of your theme code. List the occupations from the scales that you might like to research. · Some of the occupations that I might like to research would be the following occupations: o School Administrator o Business Education Teacher o Banker o Financial Analyst o Life Insurance Agent o Travel Consultant o Top Executive 4. For the following questions refer to Personal Style Scales on page 8 of your SII profile. A. Look at your “Work Style” rating. What does your score suggest to you in relation to the occupations you listed above? · It is a 64, which shows that I clearly prefer working with people, enjoy helping others, and I am outgoing. The occupations listed above describe these jobs to a “T”. B. Look at your “Learning Environment” rating. How do the educational requirements of the occupations you listed fit with your interest to pursue additional training? · I am midrange as far as this goes at a score of 50. I am more than willing to go to more school to be qualified for certain positions. However, I also don’t think a book can teach me everything. The occupations listed above require some schooling, and a few of them require graduate school. C. Look at your “Leadership Style” rating. How do these occupations fit your personal style? · I am still in Midrange with a score of 57. Many of these occupations don’t require being an absolute leader, yet they do require a bit of directing and leading by example. D. Look at your “Risk Taking/Adventure” rating. Explain how the occupations do or do not match your risk taking style. · I have a score of 60. A few of the occupations listed above involve some risk such as a top executive, life insurance agent, and a financial analyst. The others are pretty conservative as far as risk goes. Executives, insurance agents, and financial agents must take risks to be able to succeed in their careers. They do not always know what the competitors will do, or how their clients will respond to certain decisions and this fits me pretty well. 5. What college majors are suggested for your theme code that you find interesting? · Accounting · Banking and Finance · Financial Planning · Hotel Management · Secondary Education · Business Administration · International Relations 6. Of your top 10 occupations, list 3 you are most interested in and the educational preparation required for each. · Travel Consultant = Vocational/technical certificate, AA, or BA, plus specialized travel training · Business Education Teacher = MA plus teaching certificate preferred · Parks and Recreation Manager = BA or MA in recreation or leisure studies. Occupations not listed on MBTI or SII 1. List any occupations you are interested in that were not listed on your MBTI or SII reports. · Sports Broadcaster Meet with a Career Counselor at CACC 1. Make an appointment to review your assessment reports with a career counselor in Career and Academic Counseling (LC402 or contact by phone: 801-863-8425). 2. List any comments or suggestions made by the counselor regarding selection of a career or major and/or your assessment results. · My counselor already knew that I have chosen an occupation for now as a Financial Planner. However, she did help me realize the importance of having a few backup plans in case things fall through. Many people switch careers in a lifetime. She does think I am doing something that fits my assessment results. 3. Write the name of the counselor you met with and the date of your appointment. Name: Janiece Commichaux Date June 10, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Personality/Interest Assessment
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